Working on Enhancing Liaison and Cooperation in Mobility in Europe
Companies at the front

The information contained in this website does not necessarily reflect the European Commission's or the Department's official position. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained in this website, the Leonardo da Vinci Programme cannot be held responsible for any loss arising out of inaccurate data contained herein

El contenido de este web no refleja necesariamente la posición oficial de la Comisión o el Departamento. Aún en el empeño de buscar la exactitud de todo el contenido del web, el Programa Leonardo da Vinci no se hace resplonsable de cualquier perjuicio derivado de la inexactitud de los datos contenidos en el mismo

Die Informationen auf dieser Website enthaltenen spiegeln nicht unbedingt die Kommission oder der Abteilung offizielle Position. Obwohl alle Anstrengungen unternommen wurden, um die Richtigkeit aller Informationen auf dieser Website enthaltenen Informationen sicherzustellen, kann das Programm Leonardo da Vinci nicht verantwortlich für Schäden aus der ungenauen hierin enthaltenen Daten werden

Le informazioni contenute in questo sito web non riflettono necessariamente la Commissione o la posizione ufficiale del Dipartimento. Mentre ogni sforzo è stato fatto per assicurare l'accuratezza di tutte le informazioni contenute in questo sito, il programma Leonardo da Vinci, non può essere ritenuta responsabile per eventuali perdite derivanti da dati inesatti contenuti nel presente documento

Informacije na tej spletni strani ne odraža nujno Komisije ali uradno stališče ministrstva. Medtem ko je bilo storjeno vse, da bi zagotovili točnost vseh informacij na tej spletni strani, Leonardo da Vinci, ne more biti odgovorna za kakršno koli škodo, ki izhaja iz netočnih podatkov, vsebovanih v tem dokumentu

What can the Welcome&CO project bring to your organization?
it will take you less than 5 minutes to find out
are you a
are you a
Educational Institution
calendar  Oct 17, 2014
Identification of good practices: SMEs active participation in mobility programmes in Europe. Img:
calendar  Oct 17, 2014
WELCOME & CO and its strategy about sustainability
calendar  Mar 6, 2013
Both, sending institutions and SMEs, can collaborate with our project. Find out the advantages and request us any information
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